Is a Pearl a Stone? A Quick Geology Lesson.
As you may have guessed, a pearl is not a stone. Here’s a quick layman’s summary of the differences between minerals, rocks, stones and gemstones…and why a pearl is none of these things.
Minerals – The basis for all of the elements to come, a mineral is an inorganic material. When discussing minerals, rocks, soils, etc. the term “inorganic” is not used in the same context as when we use it to refer to food. Rather than referring to a man-made material, inorganic is referring to a material that was never alive. The rocks under your feet are inorganic because they were never alive.
Rocks – A rock can be made of a single mineral or several minerals. In general, a rock is a mineral formation that is still in the original location where it was formed.
Stones – Once a rock is moved or modified (broken, crushed, split) by man and sometimes by nature, it then becomes a stone.
Gemstone – A gemstone is a stone that has been cut and shaped by man. The definition of a gemstone is flexible and is often defined by a stone’s worth…and who you’re talking to. A cut and shaped moonstone is still considered a stone but a cut and shaped piece of alexandrite is rare and expensive, and is therefore a gemstone.
A pearl is a composite of two elements, one inorganic (a mineral) and one organic (a protein) so it’s not a stone. But “birth-mineral-organic-composite” just doesn’t have the same ring as “birthstone”. Wouldn’t you say?
Pearl Earring Tutorial
1. pearl beads | 2. standard earring hooks | 3. 1.25″ ball-head earring pins | (optional) needle-nose pliers
Thread one bead and one earring hook onto a pin. Then bend the pin in half using the pliers (or your fingers) and tuck the end into the hold on top of the bead. Repeat to make the other earring and you’re all set!
Pearls are often associated with modesty, happiness, beauty, and in parts of Japan, good luck. So take some advice from Jackie Kennedy and wear your pearls today, even if you’re only running out to return your overdue library books. At least, you’ll look fabulous doing it!
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