Tag: reading on rainy days

Lovely Rainy Days

I just love rainy days.  The thunder rolling in the distance, the sound of rain drops hitting my back porch, the smell of rain wafting through my open backdoor every time the wind blows, it’s all so cozy to me.

It makes me want to curl up on the sofa and read.  Or write.  Any time it rains, I picture writers everywhere snuggling up their big, comfy chairs taping away on their laptops.  I imagine this how stories are written, so that’s how I think they should be read…snuggled up in a blanket wearing warm socks and the sound of rain outside, reminding you that this time is best spent reading and not worrying about the chores of the day.

The past few days have brought lovely rainy days, some of which I was able to spend lounging about, reading and writing.  Do you enjoy a good rainstorm?  Does it make you want to sip tea and read?


