Category: Getting Organized

Giving Myself Permission To Stop (And Start)

What will this be your "year of"? from #2014 #resolutions

There’s just something about setting goals that I really enjoy. The potential of what could be is intoxicating. A few years ago I made a list of all the things that I enjoy doing with the intention of doing each of them throughout the year. By the time I was done, the list was long…really long. For a brief moment I was overwhelmed and a little sad as I sat looking at the lengthy scroll, full of things that I couldn’t possibly get done in just one, wee-little year. Le sigh.

Ever the glass-half-full kind of gal, I rethought my predicament and realized that I was planning on living for many, many more decades (more on that later) and I actually had plenty of time to do all the things! Just not in one year. I decided to approach it like any other to-do list, one activity at a time. I’d pick something, master it, and move on. Thus, “The Year Of ___________” was born. Every year on my birthday I pick a new theme for my year and I go for it. I immerse myself in it and give myself permission to let other hobbies and interests take a temporary backseat. It’s wonderfully fulfilling and liberating.